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Think About It

Every day, people face decisions that affect their lives. Although most decisions are small, some can be life-altering. This holds true for preteens and teenagers as well. During the adolescent years, youth may feel invincible; therefore, some big decisions may not be given much thought. There can also be immense social pressure to make a series of unwise decisions.

We are invested in seeing youth of all ages happy, healthy, and productive. “Think About It” (TAI) is a presentation designed to encourage youth to think about the decisions they make and the lasting impact of them, in hopes of making the best decision possible. Through this, we are confident that youth may avoid troubling circumstances.


If your school or organization is interested in having State’s Attorney Tony Covington present “Think About It”, please email with the following information:

-School/Organization Name

-Age Range of Participants

-Size of Group

-Date of Presentation
